Product Care

How to treat your


Every piece of leather that we use in our products are carefully chosen to ensure quality, finish and strength.

When exposed to sunlight vegetable tanned leather will change tone of color. But with proper care and maintenance, vegetable tanned leather will age naturally, develop a beautiful patina and last for generations. 

Leather Maintenance

Warm and dry air will dry out the leather. We recommend Leather Master Protection Cream to protect the leather. 

Leather Cleaning

When cleaning the leather we recommend Leather Master Soft Cleaner or a very mild leather soap. Some chemicals and cleaning detergents can effect the surface of the leather and make it duller. Always test a product on a smaller area of the leather before applying it on the whole product.

How to treat your


Waxed canvas gear can be used for years without any washing or cleaning. 

If you feel that the time has come to give your canvas product a clean, there is a right way and many wrong ways of doing it.

If dirty, gently brush off any excess dirt with a soft brush. Dip a sponge or clean rag in cold clean water and gently rub off any remaining dirt off the canvas.
Rinse with cold clean water and hang dry.

Do not use any soap or detergents as this will ruin the waxed surface and invalidate your warranty.

Waxed canvas will not handle machine washing, dry cleaning or tumbling which will lead to it losing its character and water repelling abilities.
